Domain Name Registration is a powerfull way of increasing your online identity. By registering a domain for your business you portray a greater impression of independence as well as making your e-mail or WWW addresses easier and more memorable to your customers.
In short, Domain Name Registration removes TheNet from your address. INstead you will have an address such as:
Without Domain Name Registration your address would be longer and specific to your company, eg.
Domain Name Registration can be used to enhance your online identity wether you are a business, a charity, or any other organisation with, or wishing to have, an online presence. Currently the following Domains can be registered. Simply insert your organisations name before each one to preveiw your possible new address. Anybody can apply for any of these classifications, however you must be able to prove that this registration isappropriate to your organisation.
Most organisations will fall into the or brackets. Applying for a Domain takes a few days and is not a garuanteed process. No charges are made if for any reason the domain you request is declined.
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